Curriculum Vitae
Katherine A. Dougherty Stahl
Academic Degrees
Ed.D. | University of Georgia, Reading Education, 2003 |
Ed.S. | Georgia Southern University, Reading Specialist, 1996 Georgia State University, Reading Recovery CertificationTraining, 1994 |
M.Ed. | Georgia Southern University, Reading Specialist, 1984 |
B.S. | West Chester University, Elementary Education, 1976 |
Academic Appointments
2016-2021 | Clinical Professor of Reading, New York University |
2012-2016 | Clinical Associate Professor of Reading, New York University |
2006-2012 | Assistant Professor of Reading, New York University |
2002-2006 | Assistant Professor of Reading, University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign (2004-2006) Instructor (2002-2004) |
2000-2001 | Graduate Assistant, University of Georgia Reading Clinic |
1997-1998 | Instructor, Clemson University, Clemson, SC |
Teaching Experience
1997-2002 | Teacher (Grade 2), Clarke County Public Schools |
1976-1997 | Teacher (Grades 1-3 Classroom; Grades 1-5 Reading/Math Intervention; Middle School Language Arts), Glynn County Public Schools |
Administrative Appointments
2012-2020 | Literacy Program Leader, New York University |
2008-2009 | Interim Director of the Literacy Program, New York University |
2002-2003 | The Reading Group (Reading Clinic) Assessment Advisor-Director of Student Evaluations |
Courses Taught
Childhood Education and Early Childhood Education*: Master’s Certification and Undergraduate
- LitC UG 1178 Language and Reading II
- LitC GE 2001 Language and Literacy in the Early Grades (Incudes EC*)
- LitC GE 2002/LIT UG 1177 Language and Literacy in the Upper Grades
Literacy Specialist Program (Childhood and Secondary*)- Master’s
- LitC GE 2012/2014*Theory and Practices in Reading: Early Childhood/Childhood & Middle Childhood/Adolescence
- LitC GE 2011 Literacy Assessment
- LitC GE 2991/2992* Clinical Literacy Practicum Director —Instruction, supervision, and all administrative tasks (website, parent interactions, marketing, permissions, space needs)
Honors and Academic Recognition
2016 Commencement Address West Chester University (West Chester, PA), Lanterns: Guiding Lights in Learning the Lessons of a Lifetime
2016 West Chester University College of Education Wall of Fame (Alumni recognition for accomplishments)
2014 NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development Teaching Excellence Award
2010 Recipient of Harvard’s Jeanne S. Chall Visiting Researcher Award. A Contemporary Conceptualization of Text Readability, ($2,500).
2010 National Reading Conference Early Career Achievement Award Nominee. Nominated by James Baumann (Chancellor’s Chair for Excellence in Literacy Education, University of Missouri-Columbia).
2010 Fry Book Award Nominee: McKenna, M. C., & Stahl, K. A. D. Assessment for reading instruction (Second Edition). NY: Guilford Press.
2006, 2008 Fry Book Award Nominee: Stahl, K. A. D., & McKenna, M. C. (Eds.). Reading research at work: Foundations of effective practice. NY: Guilford Press.
2008 NYU Teaching Excellence Award Nominee
2004 International Reading Association Finalist, Student Paper Award
2003 National Reading Conference, Top five finalist, Student Paper Award
UIUC Incomplete List of Faculty Ranked as Excellent by Their Students
- Teaching Elementary Reading and Language Arts I, 2002-05
- Teaching Elementary Reading and Language Arts II, 2003-06
Stahl, K.A.D. & García, G.E. (2022). Expanding reading comprehension in Grades 3-6: Effective instruction for all students. New York, NY: Guilford.
Stahl, K.A.D. Flanigan, K., & McKenna, M.C. (2020). Assessment for reading instruction (4th ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Stahl, K.A.D. & García, G.E. (2015). Developing reading comprehension: Effective instruction for all students in PreK- 2. New York, NY: Guilford.
McKenna, M.C., & Stahl, K.A.D. (2015). Assessment for reading instruction (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Stahl, K.A D., & McKenna, M.C. (2013). Reading assessment in an RTI framework. New York, NY: Guilford.
McKenna, M.C., & Stahl, K.A.D. (2009). Assessment for reading instruction (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Stahl, K.A.D., & McKenna, M.C. (Eds.). (2006). Reading research at work: Foundations of effective practice. New York, NY: Guilford
Articles in Refereed Journals
Peer-reviewed articles in refereed journals
Kuhn, M., & Stahl, K.A.D. (2022). Teaching reading: Development and differentiation. Phi Delta Kappan. 103, 25-31.
Stahl, K.A.D., Keane, A.,* & Simic, O. (2013). Translating policy to practice: Initiating RTI in urban schools. Urban Education, 48, 350-379. doi: 10.1177/0042085912451755
García, G.E., Pearson, P.D., Taylor, B.M., & Bauer, E.B., & Stahl, K.A.D. (2011). Socio-constructivist and political views on the implementation of two types of reading comprehension approaches in low-income schools. Theory into Practice. 50(2), 149-156. doi: 10.1080/00405841.2011.558444
Stahl, K.A.D., & Bravo, M. (2010). Contemporary classroom vocabulary assessment for content areas. Reading Teacher, 63, 566-578. doi:10.1598/RT.63.7.4
Stahl, K.A.D. (2009). Comprehensive synthesized comprehension instruction in primary classrooms: A story of successes and challenges. Reading and Writing Quarterly, 25(4), 334-355. doi: 10.1080/10573560903123643
Reprinted and summarized by The Centre for the Use of Research and Evidence in Education, Department for Education (England).
Stahl, K.A.D. (2008). The effects of three instructional methods on the reading comprehension and content acquisition of novice readers. Journal of Literacy Research, 40, 359-393. doi: 10.1080/10862960802520594
Stahl, K.A.D. (2004). Proof, practice and promise: Comprehension strategy instruction in the primary grades. Reading Teacher, 57, 598-609.
Stahl, K.A.D., Stahl, S. A., & McKenna, M. (1999). The development of phonological awareness and orthographic processing in Reading Recovery. Literacy, Teaching and Learning: An International Journal of Early Literacy, 4, 27-42.
Stahl, S.A., Duffy-Hester, A.M., & Stahl, K.A.D. (1998). Everything you wanted to know about phonics (but were afraid to ask). Reading Research Quarterly, 33, 338-355.
Invited articles in refereed journals
Flanigan, K. & Stahl, K. A. D. (2024). Preparing adolescents for reading success: Matching reading assessments to our purposes in the middle grades. Literacy Today, 41(4), 57-60
Stahl, K.A.D. (2016). A new priority: Comprehension intervention in the primary grades. The Reading Teacher, 69(6), 627-631. doi: 10.1002/trtr.1454
Stahl, K.A.D. (2016). Response to Intervention: Is the sky falling? The Reading Teacher, 69(6), 659-663. doi:10.1002/trtr.1457
Stahl, K.A.D. (2015). Using professional learning communities to bolster comprehension instruction. The Reading Teacher, 68(5), 327-333. doi:10.1002/trtr.1311
Stahl, K.A.D. (2014/2015). New insights about letter learning. The Reading Teacher, 68(4), 261-265. doi: 10.1002/trtr.1320
Stahl, K.A.D. (2014). What counts as evidence? The Reading Teacher, 68(2), 103-106. doi: 10.1002/trtr1276
Stahl, K.A.D. (2014). Fostering inference generation with emergent and novice readers. The Reading Teacher, 67(5), 384-388. doi:10.1002/trtr.1230
Stahl, K.A.D., & Schweid, J. (2013). Beyond March Madness: Fruitful practices to prepare for high stakes ELA tests. The Reading Teacher, 67, 121-125. doi: 10.1002/TRTR.1199
Stahl, K.A.D. (2012). Complex text or frustration level text: Using shared reading to bridge the difference. The Reading Teacher, 66. 47-51. doi:10.1002/TRTR.01102
Hall, M.,* & Stahl, K.A.D. (2012). Devillainizing video in support of comprehension instruction. The Reading Teacher, 65, 403-406. doi: 10.1002/TRTR.01061
Zheng, J., & Stahl, K.A.D. (2011/2012). Collaborative Reasoning: Language-rich discussions for English language learners. The Reading Teacher, 65, 257-260. DOI: 10.1002/TRTR.01040
Stahl, K.A.D. (2011). Applying new visions of reading development in today’s classrooms. The Reading Teacher, 65, 52-56. doi: 10.1598/RT.65.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2005). Improving the asphalt of reading instruction: A tribute to the work of Steven Stahl. The Reading Teacher, 59, 184-192. doi:10.1598/RT.59.2.8
Stahl, S.A., & Stahl, K.A.D. (1998). What to say to parents and teachers (and other interested parties) about phonics. Georgia Journal of Reading, 22, 7-13.
Book Chapters
Kuhn, M., & Stahl, K.A.D. (2022). Effective reading instruction: What we know now. In A. O’ Donnell, J. Reeve, & N. Barnes (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Educational Psychology. Oxford University Press. (Access:
Kuhn, M., & Stahl, K.A.D. (In press). Effective reading instruction: What we know now. In A. O’ Donnell, J. Reeve, & N. Barnes (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Educational Psychology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Stahl, K.A.D. & García, G.E. (2017). Using assessments to map and evaluate the comprehension development of young children. In S. E. Israel (Ed.), Handbook of research on reading comprehension, 2nd Ed. (pp. 241-270). New York, NY: Guilford.
Kieffer, M. & Stahl, K.A.D. (2015). Identifying and addressing individual differences in vocabulary. In P. Afflerbach (Ed.), Handbook of individual differences: Reader, text and context. (pp. 120-137). New York, NY: Routledge Publishing.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2013). Reading to learn from the beginning: Comprehension instruction in the primary grades. In D. Barone & M. Mallette (Eds.) Best practices in early literacy instruction (pp. 175-190). New York, NY: Guilford.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2013). Today’s comprehension strategy instruction: “Not your father’s Oldsmobile.” In B. Taylor & N. Duke (Eds.) Handbook of effective literacy instruction (pp. 223-245). New York, NY: Guilford.
Kuhn, M., Schwanenflugel, P., Stahl, K.A.D., Meisinger, B., & Groff, C. (2013). Fluency-oriented reading instruction. In T. Rasinski & N. Padak (Eds.) Effective instruction for fluency and comprehension (pp. 166-175). New York, NY: Guilford.
Stahl, K.A.D., & Stahl, S.A. (2012). Young word wizards! Fostering vocabulary development in preschool and primary education. In J. Baumann & E. Kame’enui (Eds.), Vocabulary instruction: Research to practice (2nd Ed.) (pp. 72-92). New York, NY: Guilford.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2009). Assessing the comprehension of young children. In S. E. Israel and G. G. Duffy (Eds.), Handbook of research on reading comprehension (pp. 428-448). New York, NY: Guilford.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2008). Creating opportunities for comprehension instruction with Fluency-Oriented Reading. In M. Kuhn & P. Schwanenflugel (Eds.), Fluency in the classroom (pp. 55-74). New York, NY: Guilford.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2007). The ivory tower in the blackboard jungle: Striving for coexistence. In S. Israel & C. Lassonde (Eds.), The ethical educator: Integrating ethics within the context of teaching and teacher research (pp. 121-131). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Stahl, K.A.D., Garcia, G.E., Bauer, E.B., Pearson, P.D., & Taylor, B.M. (2006). Making the invisible visible: The development of a comprehension assessment system. In K.A.D. Stahl & M.C. McKenna (Eds.), Reading research at work: Foundations of effective practice (pp. 425-436). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Taylor, B.M., Pearson, P.D., Garcia, G.E., Stahl, K.A.D., & Bauer, E.B. (2006). Improving students’ reading comprehension. In K.A.D. Stahl & M.C. McKenna (Eds.), Reading research at work: Foundations of effective practice (pp. 303-315). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Stahl, S.A., & Stahl, K.A.D. (2004). From Brown Bear to Paddington Bear: Text in the development of fluency. In J.V. Hoffman & D.L. Schallert (Eds.) The texts in the primary grade classrooms (pp. 39-60). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Stahl, S.A., & Stahl, K.A.D. (2004). Word wizards all! Teaching word meanings in preschool and primary education. In J. Baumann & E. Kame’enui (Eds.), Vocabulary instruction: Research to practice (pp. 59-78). New York, NY: Guilford.
Stahl, K.A.D., Stahl, S.A., & McKenna, M.C. (2003). The development of phonological awareness and orthographic processing in Reading Recovery. Reprinted in S. Forbes & C. Briggs (Eds.) Research in Reading Recovery, Vol. II (pp. 99-114). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Book Reviews
The 1999/2000 University of Georgia Doctoral Seminar in Reading Education (2001). Reading reading research: A multivocal review [Review of the book Handbook of reading research III]. Reading Research Quarterly, 36, 74-85.
Principal Investigator (2010-2015) Reading Recovery: Scaling up what works, USDOE i3 grant, $3.2 million (Ohio State Primary Institution, $46m)
Investigator (2009-2014), NY-VESID Response to Intervention Technical Assistance Center, $141, 150. (K.A.D. Stahl; Buffalo State Primary Institution, $1.5m).
Principal Investigator (2008-2015). New York University Reading Recovery Project.
Investigator (2003-2006). Instruction of Reading Comprehension: Cognitive Strategies or Cognitive Engagement? Reading Comprehension Grants Competition, Institute for Education Sciences, $1.5 Million. (G.E. Garcia, Principal Investigator).
Senior Personnel (2000-2005). The Development of Fluent and Automatic Reading: Precursor to Learning from Text. Interagency Educational Research Initiative, Primary Funding: National Institute for Child Health and Human Development, $5.05 million. (S.A. Stahl, Principal Investigator).
Research Consultant
Consultant (2019) Eliciting Reading Experts’ Opinions on the Effectiveness of Reading Resources. Teachers College, Columbia University. (Fiona Hollands & Yilin Pan, Principal Investigators)
Consultant (2017-2018) Research and evaluation of technology-based school literacy programs. Center for Technology and School Change at Teachers College, Columbia University. (Ellen Meier, Director)
Consultant (2014). DIP: Deepening Comprehension by Reading to Rover. National Science Foundation Cyberlearning. (J. Mostow, Principal Investigator).
Stahl, K. A. D. (February 2024) “Constrained Skills Theory with Kay Stahl,” Heggerty Podcast Literacy Lunch Break (S3E4)
Swift, C. L & Stahl, K. A. D.. (May 18 2022) What Role Do the 5 Pillars of Reading Play in Today’s Classroom? Learning Without Tears ed Web.
Stahl, K.A.D. (February 21, 2020) “Learning to Read: What the Research Says,” EdCast Educators on Education with Linda Hirsch (#152)
Cast 152: Learning to Read: What the Research Says
Stahl, K.A.D. (2018-2019) WEBINAR: School RTI Coordinator Series (6)- Implementing RTI/MTSS in Middle School: Tiered Intervention
Stahl, K.A.D. (September-October 2018) WEBINAR: STRAND 21- Academic Vocabulary in the Middle Grades (4-8) (4 Webinars)
Stahl, K.A.D. (2017-2018) WEBINAR: School RTI Coordinator Series (6)- Implementing RTI/MTSS in Middle School: Assessment (Screening, Progress Monitoring, and Diagnostics)
Stahl, K.A.D. (November 2016) WEBINAR: STRAND 18- Developing Reading Comprehension in PreK-Grade 2 (3 Webinars)
Stahl, K.A.D. (September-October 2016) WEBINAR: STRAND 17- Fostering Reading Comprehension in Children Grades 3-6 (3 Webinars)
Stahl, K.A.D. (February-April 2016) WEBINAR: STRAND 14- Using an Assessment Audit to Create a Lean and Efficient RTI Assessment System (3 Webinars K-3; 3 Webinars Gr. 3-6)
Stahl, K.A.D. (February/March 2014) WEBINAR: STRAND 3- Using Your RTI Model To Differentiate AND Support The ELA Common Core Learning Standards (4 Webinars)
Stahl, K.A.D. (January, 13, 2014) Diagnostic reading assessment within an RTI framework.
Stahl, K.A.D. (September 21, 2009) Primary comprehension instruction: Picture walks, KWL and DRTA.
Stahl, K.A.D., & Helman, L. (2008). Early reading. Culver City, CA: Laureate International Universities Network.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2004). Fostering vocabulary development K-12. Alaska Teacher Education Project, Anchorage, AK: Alaska Department of Education.
Stahl, K.A.D., & Nestor, T. (1999). Reading after hours: Home/school connections. Athens, GA: Georgia Teleconference for Educational Satellite Outreach Program.
Hankins, K., & Stahl, K.A.D. (1998). Making reading click. Athens, GA: Georgia Teleconference for Educational Satellite Outreach Program.
Stahl, K. (2014, May). Will phonics be forgotten in a CCSS-driven curriculum? In E. McLaughlin (chair), Research Institute of the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, New Orleans, LA.
Stahl, K. (2012, May). Research into practice. In D. Barone & M. Mallette (chairs), Featured columns in The Reading Teacher. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2011, May). Building bridges: Effective comprehension instruction for the youngest readers. Featured research presentation at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Orlando, FL.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2006, October). Shared reading: The neglected element. Invited featured address at the Billie J. Askew Reading Recovery/Early Literacy Institute, Dallas, TX.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2006, October). Comprehension: A synthesis approach. Invited featured address at the Billie J. Askew Reading Recovery/Early Literacy Institute, Dallas, TX.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2005, May). The Stahl new report on phonics: What you must know. In M. C. McKenna (Chair). A Tribute to the Work of Steven Stahl. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the International Reading Association, San Antonio, TX. [Tribute and Featured Book Session]
Stahl, K.A.D. (2004, May). Helping beginning readers comprehend informational text. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Reading Association, Reno, NV. [Featured Speaker series]
Stahl, K. A. D. (2024, April). Dialogic learning: The contribution of discussion, argument and debate to comprehension. In M. Kuhn (Chair) Considering Literacy Learning: Thinking About Texts, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Stahl, K.A.D. & Margaux Gleber* (2018, December). Providing help and hope: The impact of 24 hours in a university literacy clinic. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2016, July). The new frontier: Comprehension intervention in K-3. In K. A. Stahl (chair) Reading comprehension and cultural-linguistic diversity: Pre-K-3. Institute presented at the annual meeting of the International Literacy Association, Boston, MA.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2015, July). From Keystone Cops to Sherlock Holmes: Effective use of text evidence to support high level comprehension. In S. B. Neuman (chair) Newest research on classroom literacy practices. Institute presented at the annual meeting of the International Literacy Association, St. Louis, MO.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2014, December). Reconsidering shared reading. In S. Walpole (chair) Moving to challenging text in the upper elementary grades. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Marco Island, FL.
Kieffer, M., & Stahl, K.A.D. (2014, December). Individual differences in vocabulary knowledge. In P. Afflerbach (chair) Individual differences in reading: Reader, text and context. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Marco Island, FL.
Jones, J., Robnolt, V. J., Stahl, K.A.D., & Welsch, J. G. (2013, December).Transformative literacy: Examining the state of RTI. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Dallas, TX.
Welsch, J. G., Robnolt, V. J., Jones, J., Hayes, L., Stahl, K.A.D., & Flanigan, K. (2012, December). Response to Intervention: Implementation and support by Departments of Education in 5 states. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Stahl, K.A.D. & Keene, E. O. (2011, May). A researcher and a professional developer talk about comprehension. In N. Duke (chair) Researchers and professional developers share insights and advice about fluency, comprehension, motivation and self-selected reading. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Orlando, FL.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2011, May). Contemporary classroom vocabulary assessment for content areas. In M. McKeown & S. B. Neuman (chairs), The interaction between content, vocabulary and comprehension instruction: Research to practice. Preconvention Institute conducted at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Orlando, FL.
Stahl, K.A.D., & Keene, A.* (2010, December). RTI in the primary grades: Consequences of RTI in an urban setting. In V. Robnolt (chair), Response to Intervention: Collaborative efforts among multiple stakeholders. Alternative session presented at the National Reading Conference/Literacy Research Association, Ft. Worth, TX.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2010, December). Yesterday, today, and tomorrow: Situating reading comprehension professional development historically. In K. Cartwright (chair), Reading comprehension professional development. Symposium presented at the National Reading Conference/Literacy Research Association, Ft. Worth, TX.
Stahl, K.A.D., & Keane, A.* (2010, May). A longitudinal investigation of Response To Intervention in an urban setting. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.
Stahl, K.A.D. & Keane, A.* (2010, April). Implementing Response To Intervention in a large urban district. Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Reading Association, Chicago, IL.
Stahl, K.A.D., & Keane, A.* (2009, December). Policy to practice: Implementing RTI in urban schools. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Reading Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2009, April). Investigating the effects of a Response To Intervention framework in New York City. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2008, May). Translating vocabulary research into practical assessment strategies for enabling differentiated instruction. In K.A.D. Stahl (Chair), Engaging learners in vocabulary learning: Practical, research-based approaches. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the International Reading Association, Atlanta, GA.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2008, March). Synthesized comprehension instruction in primary classrooms. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2007, May). Principles of vocabulary instruction: A sample of informal, selective vocabulary assessments. In M. Richek (Chair), Vocabulary learning without boundaries: Everyday and special days. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the International Reading Association, Toronto, Canada.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2006, November). Working with primary teachers to implement the synthesized approach of comprehension instruction. In G. E. Garcia (Chair), Synthesizing three elements of reading comprehension instruction. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the National Reading Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2006, April). Helping novice readers overcome the challenges of informational texts. Poster session presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2005, December). Research design and comprehension assessment. In G. E. Garcia (Chair), Cognitive strategy vs. responsive engagement: Year 2. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the National Reading Conference, Miami, FL.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2004, December). Teacher practice and change: Cognitive strategy instruction. In G. E. Garcia (Chair), Effective comprehension instruction. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the National Reading Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Stahl, K.A.D., Armbruster, B. B., Cummins, S. & Stahl, S. (2004, December). Scaling-up: Changes in practice (Researcher and Teacher). In M. Kuhn (Chair), Teaching children to become fluent readers–Year 3. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the National Reading Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2004, July). Helping beginning readers comprehend informational text. Paper presented at the Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement Summer Institute, Ann Arbor, MI.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2003, December). The effects of three instructional methods on the reading comprehension and content acquisition of novice readers. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Reading Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2003, May). Classroom interaction patterns. In S. Paris & S. Stahl (Chairs), Developmental trade-offs and interactions between reading fluency and comprehension. Preconvention institute conducted at the meeting of the International Reading Association, Orlando, FL.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2002, May). Spelling at instructional level. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Reading Association, San Francisco, CA.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2001, December). Standing in the crossfire of practitioners and theorists. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Reading Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2000, December). The measurement of sequencing skill in primary grade readers. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Reading Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.
Labbo, L. D., Stahl, S. A., & Stahl, K.A.D. (2000, December). “I feel like such an expert now”: Exploring the use of interactive case-based CDs on university students’ expertise in administering and analyzing K-5 reading diagnostic instruments. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Reading Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.
Stahl, S. A., McKenna, M. C., Gatliff, J., & Stahl, K.A.D. (1999, December). The joint development of phonological and orthographic knowledge. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Reading Conference, Orlando, FL.
Stahl, K.A.D. (1999, May). Using buddy reading for older children with reading problems. Paper presented at the meeting of the International Reading Association, San Diego, CA.
Stahl, S. A., McKenna, M. C., Stahl, K.A.D., Hagood, M., & Gatliff, J. (1998, December). The development of word recognition, spelling, and phonological awareness. Paper presented at the meeting of the National Reading Conference, Austin TX.
Stahl, K.A.D. (1998, April). Commentary on multiple studies related to struggling readers. Discussant on papers presented at American Educational Research Association.
Stahl, K.A.D. (1997, May). Using gradient text to teach decoding. In S. Stahl (Chair), What research has to say about phonics instruction. Preconvention institute conducted at the meeting of the International Reading Association, Atlanta, GA.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2016, April) Untangling reading comprehension: Diagnosing and articulating reading comprehension difficulties. Plenary speaker for The Ohio School Psychologist Association Conference, Columbus, OH.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2013, Oct./Nov.) Using your RTI model to differentiate and support the ELA Common Core Learning Standards. Plenary speaker for statewide workshop series co-sponsored by NYS RTI Technical Assistance and NYS Council for Exceptional Children; Albany, Buffalo, New Rochelle, NY.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2012, June). Diagnostic assessment in a tiered system-who, what, and when? NYS RTI Technical Assistance Center Response to Intervention Conference, Albany, NY.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2011, June). Developing a comprehensive school assessment system. Keynote address presented at Virginia’s Leading in Reading Summer Institute, Roanoke, VA.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2010, June). Diagnostic assessment in a tiered system-who, what, and when? NYS RTI Technical Assistance Center Response to Intervention Conference, Albany, NY.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2010, March). Models of reading assessment. Address presented at the meeting of the International Dyslexia Association (NY Branch) 37th Annual Conference on Dyslexia and Related Learning Disabilities, New York, NY.
Stahl, K.A.D., Keene, A., & Strom, C.* (2009, June). Non-responders or not responded to: Case studies at the top of the triangle. Response to Intervention and Reading First Connections Conference, Albany, NY.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2009, March). Beyond cloze: High-level reading instruction for all. Address presented at the meeting of the International Dyslexia Association (NY Branch) 36th Annual Conference on Dyslexia and Related Learning Disabilities, New York, NY.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2008, March). Comprehension instruction for children with reading difficulties. Plenary address presented at the meeting of the International Dyslexia Association (NY Branch) 35th Annual Conference on Dyslexia and Related Learning Disabilities, NewYork, NY.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2007, July). Falling in love with assessment: Using our passion toward positive ends. Plenary address presented at the Chancellor’s Summer Academy, Champaign, IL.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2007, June). Fostering fluency in a comprehensive literacy program. Paper presented at Georgia’s 3rd Annual Reading First Conference, Athens, GA.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2006, July). Vocabulary instruction that builds a foundation for the comprehension of young readers. Address presented at the William Ennis Cosby Institute, NY, NY.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2006, June). Fluency-Oriented Reading Instruction: Making challenging text accessible to all students. Paper presented at the Minnesota Reading First Summer Literacy Institute, St. Paul, MN.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2006, June). Reading fluency: The new priority. Paper presented at the Georgia Reading First Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2005, August). Conversation that fosters comprehension, concept development, and critical literacy. Paper presented at the Heartland Iowa AEA Summer Institute, Des Moines, IA.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2005, August). Making comprehension strategy instruction work in real classrooms. Paper presented at the Heartland Iowa AEA Summer Institute, Des Moines, IA.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2005, August). Conversation that fosters comprehension, concept development, and critical literacy. Plenary address presented at the Chancellor’s Summer Academy, Champaign, IL.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2005, July). Weeklong strand: Using assessment to inform instruction. Chancellor’s Summer Academy, Champaign, IL.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2005, March). From change to phantasmagoria: Vocabulary instruction that increases students’ understanding of their world. Address presented at the meeting of the Michigan Reading Council, Grand Rapids, MI.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2005, February). From change to phantasmagoria: Vocabulary instruction that increases students’ understanding of their world. Address presented at the Urbana School District Research Conference, Urbana, IL.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2005, February). Effective comprehension strategy instruction. Paper presented at the meeting of the East Central Illinois Reading Council, Champaign, IL.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2003, July). Comprehension instruction in the primary classroom. Paper presented at the Georgia Department of Education REA Best Practices Institute, Monroe, GA.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2003, July). Vocabulary development and word walls in the primary classroom. Address presented at the Georgia Department of Education REA Best Practices Institute Statesboro, GA.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2003, July). Strategic read-alouds to build vocabulary in the Pre-K setting. Address presented at the Georgia Department of Education REA Best Practices Institute, Statesboro, GA.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2003, July). Enhancing comprehension instruction for early learners. Paper presented at the Georgia Department of Education REA Best Practices Institute, Savannah, GA.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2003, June). Comprehension strategy instruction: A classroom curriculum approach. Paper presented at the Florida Department of Education REA Institute, Tallahassee, GA.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2002, February). Making powerful text selections for the beginning reader. Paper presented at the Michigan Reading Recovery Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2001, December). Making powerful text selections for comprehension development. Paper presented at the Georgia Department of Education REA Best Practices Institute, Atlanta, GA.
Stahl, K.A.D. (2000, March). Reading After Hours: A program for improving the home-school connection. Paper presented at the meeting of the Southeastern Regional International Reading Association, Savannah, GA.
Stahl, K.A.D. (1998, October). Making reading click using Fluency-Oriented Reading Instruction. Paper presented at the meeting of the Florida Reading Association, Jacksonville, FL.
Stahl, K.A.D. (1998, February). Adapting the Observation Survey for classroom assessment. Address presented at the Clarke County Language Arts Conference, Athens, GA.
*Doctoral student under my supervision
National – State Panels and Boards
Invited Member, Search Committee for Editors of International Literacy Association The Reading Teacher (circ. 60,000), 2019-2020
Invited Member, International Literacy Association Assessment Task Force, 2018-2019
Invited Panel Member, New York State Education Department English Language Arts Advisory Panel, 2011-2016
Secretary/Treasurer, International Reading Association Foundation Board, 2010-11.
Invited Member, International Reading Association Response To Intervention Commission, 2009-12
Invited Panel Member, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Reading Framework Comparison Expert Panel, 2007
Editorial Review Board, Scientific Studies of Reading, 2019-2020
Section Editor, The Reading Teacher, “Research into Practice,” Vol. 65-68, 2010-2016
Editorial Review Board, Reading Research Quarterly, 2013-present
Editorial Review Board, Reading Research Quarterly, 2013-present
Editorial Review Board Member, The Elementary School Journal, 2010-2013
Editorial Review Board Member, Reading and Writing Quarterly, 2008-2012
Guest Reviewer, Research in the Teaching of English, 2007-2011
Editorial Review Board Member, The Reading Teacher, 1997-present
Editorial Review Board Member, The Reading Teacher, 1997-present
Editorial Review Board Member, Literacy Teaching and Learning: An International Journal of Early Literacy, 1999-2004
Editorial Review Board Member, Maintaining Momentum, Rigby Books, 2003
Educator Advisory Panel, Golden Books, 1997-99
Guest Reviewer, Remedial and Special Education, 2017,
Guest Reviewer, Educational Policy, 2017
Guest Reviewer, AERA Educational Researcher, 2016
Guest Reviewer, Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 2014
Guest Reviewer, Journal of Literacy Research, 2014
Guest Reviewer, Urban Education, 2012
Guest Reviewer, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 2011
Guest Reviewer, Review of Educational Research, 2010
Guest Reviewer, Reading Research Quarterly, 2008, 2013
Guest Reviewer, Research in the Teaching of English, 2007-2011
Other Academic Activities
Reviewer: Glossary of Literacy Terms Handbook-Section I Forms and Functions (Ed. Literacy Research Panel), International Literacy Association, April 2018
Discussant: Meeting the Challenge of Literacy Pedagogy with Vulnerable Populations in Elementary School, Annual Meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL Nov. 30, 2017
Discussant: Foundational Reading Skills, Annual Meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL Nov. 29, 2017
Literacy Research Association, Assessment Division 4, Reviewed proposals for the Annual Meeting of the Literacy Research Association, 2016-2018
Co-chair: Northeast Region, Field Council, Literacy Research Association, 2013-2016.
Area Chair, Early and Elementary Literacy Processes, Literacy Research Association, 2011-2014
Area Chair, In-service teacher education/professional development in literacy, National Reading Conference, 2009-2011
Panel Member, Public Education and Business Coalition, 2008
Steering Committee Member, National Reading Conference Ethics ICG, 2007-2009
Committee Member, International Reading Association Studies and Research Grant Subcommittee, 2005-present
American Educational Research Association, Learning and Instruction Division, Reviewed Proposals for the Annual Meeting, 2005, 2006
Committee Member, International Reading Association Citation of Merit, 2005-2006
National Reading Conference, Professional Education Division, Reviewed Proposals for the Annual Meeting of the National Reading Conference, 2004-2010
Media Awards Committee Member, International Reading Association, 2003-05
Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement Summer Institute – Facilitator, 2000-04
Advisory Panels and Boards
Learning Without Tears Consultant, 2021-2022
Achieve3000, Academic Cabinet, 2019-2022
West Chester University Professional Education Advisory Council, 2014-present
Board member, Jeanne C. Chall Endowment Advisory Board, 2013-2018
Literacy Adviser, Measurement Inc. System of Sustainable Excellence, 2013-2014
Literacy Adviser, Autism Spectrum Disorder Nest Program, New York City Department of Education, 2011-2012
Response to Intervention Task Force, New York City Department of Education, 2010- 2011
Expert Consultant, Development of an Interactive, Multimedia Assessment of Teacher’s Knowledge of Early Reading. IES grant (Joanne Carlisle, Principal Investigator)- 2009-2010
Advisory Committee Member, New York City Department of Education, English Language Arts (ELA) Scope and Sequence Advisory Group, 2008
Advisory Committee Member, New York Department of Education, Special Education Response to Intervention Pilot Project, 2007-08
Consultant, Laureate International University, Curriculum development for Master’s Degree in Education program, 2007-08
Alaska Teacher Education Project, August 2004
Iowa State Department of Education: Every Child Reads, July 2004
Pacific Region Educational Laboratory, PREL P-Child Project, June 2004
University Service
Steinhardt Promotion and Tenure Advisement Committee, 2019-2021
Search Committee Member, Early Childhood-Literacy, 2017-2018
Web Design Committee, Teaching and Learning, 2017
Task Force Member, MAT Program 2015
Advisory Panel Member, Online Tutoring Certification Program- 2014-2015
Teaching and Learning Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2013-present
Search Committee Member, Special Education, 2014-2015
Search Committee Member, Multilingual and Multicultural Studies, 2012
Liaison and Advocate, Constantine Georgiou Library and Resource Center for Children and Literature, 2009-2013
Committee Member, Dean’s Advisory Group on Teacher Education, 2008
Committee Member, Doctoral Committee, 2008-2010
Search Committee Member, English Education, 2007-2008
Committee Member, Teaching and Learning Curriculum Task Force, 2007
Search Committee Member, Early Childhood, 2007
Search Committee Member, Literacy, 2007
Committee Member, Childhood-Early Childhood Task Force, 2006
Planning Committee, Steinhardt School of Education Sponsored Conference Response to Intervention: What, Why and How Valid Is It? 2006
Co-Director, University of Illinois Chancellor’s Summer Academy, 2005
Committee Member, University of Illinois College of Education Undergraduate Awards Committee, 2005-2006
International Literacy Association
Literacy Research Association
March 2014 Integrating RTI and CCLS in ELA
January 2015 Beyond Close Reading: Shared Reading Techniques that Enhance Comprehension and Engagement (K-8)
January 2015 Differentiation in the Literacy Classroom: Meeting the Needs of Struggling Readers
March 2015 Differentiation in the Literacy Classroom: Meeting the Needs of Advanced Readers
Nassau BOCES
October 2014 RTI and CCLS: Connecting the Dots to See the Big Picture
Byram Hills School District
2022-2023 The Science of Reading
2023-2024 Multi-tiered System of Supports/Assessment System
Algonquin Middle School
2017-2020 Response to Intervention Implementation
Bronx Charter School for the Arts – Hunts Point (Bronx), NY
2009-2015 Response to Intervention Implementation in Literacy
2017-2018 School Literacy Practices
2018-2019 Guided Reading Gr. K-2
2019-2020 Comprehension Instruction; Guided Reading Gr. 3-5
PS 230 – Morris Heights (Bronx)
2009-2013 Response to Intervention Implementation in Literacy
Marshall Kindergarten Center/Franklin Elementary School – Hempstead, NY
2011-2014 Response to Intervention Implementation in Literacy
Louis Armstrong Elementary School (PS 143) – Queens, NY
Nov. 2012 –March 2013 Words Their Way Developmental Word Study in Grades K-3
Oct. 2013 Words Their Way Developmental Word Study in Grades 4-5
Mott Haven Charter School – Mott Haven (Bronx), NY
June –September 2013 CCLS ELA Curriculum Alignment
Williamsville School District – Williamsville, NY
January 2014 CCLS and RTI Alignment: Administrators
March 2014 CCLS and RTI Alignment: Literacy Interventionists and Special Educators (K-8)
May 2014 CCLS and RTI Alignment: Classroom Teachers
August 2014 Summer Institute: Assessment for the Interventionist and Special Educator
March 2015: Teaching is the Core Grant—Development and Piloting District-wide Literacy Assessment System; RTI Decision Tree and Data Meeting Procedures
August 2015: Summer Institute 6 Workshops (Beyond the Read-aloud; Shared Reading Protocols to Enhance Student Comprehension; Contemporary Comprehension Strategy Instruction in K-1; Contemporary Comprehension Strategy Instruction in 2-4; Vocabulary Development and CCLS; Differentiating for Struggling Readers in the Classroom
September 2015 Intervening to Accelerate Achievement (PD for reading interventionists and special education teachers)
May/June 2016-2019 Ongoing work in refining districtwide RTI Framework and Assessment System
August 2016 Summer Institute 4 Workshops (Shared Reading Protocols to Enhance Student Comprehension; Contemporary Comprehension Strategy Instruction in K-1; Contemporary Comprehension Strategy Instruction in 2-4; Using Words Their Way Assessments to Monitor Developmental Progress)
May 2017 The Comprehensive Literacy Evaluation in Gr. 1-8 for Students with Identified Literacy Difficulties (Tier 3 and Special Education) 2-day Institute for Special Education Teachers and Literacy Specialists
May 2019 Vocabulary Instruction in Middle School
2019 -2021 Updating Districtwide Response to Intervention Model (Interventionists and District Administrators)
Orchard Park School District – East Aurora, NY
March 2014 CCLS and RTI Alignment
July 2014 Summer Institute: Assessment for the Interventionist and Special Educator
Oct./Nov 2014: Teaching is the Core Grant—Assessment Audit Analysis Consultant
March 2015: Teaching is the Core Grant—Assessment System Development
June 2015 Word Study in Grades 3-6
Cazenovia School District – Cazenovia, NY
Sept. 2014-Dec. 2014 On-line Book Club Professional Learning Community based on Reading Assessment in an RTI Framework (Stahl & McKenna, 2013)
October 2014 RTI and CCLS: Connecting the Dots to See the Big Picture
Portchester School District (Portchester, NY)
June 2015 CCLS and RTI Alignment: ELA Teams, Interventionists, Administrators
Mount Vernon School District – Mount Vernon, NY
July 2015 Administrator Orientation to Small Group Instruction in Gr. 3-6
October & November 2015 Small group differentiated instruction in Gr. 3-6 (for all classroom teachers)
Winter-Spring 2016 School Follow-up: Classroom Implementation of Small Group Instruction and Intervention
Locust Valley School District – Locust Valley, NY
June 2015 CCLS and RTI Alignment
October 2015 Developing Comprehension with Effective Teacher Read-Alouds
November 2015 Developing Comprehension with Shared Reading
2015-2016 Effective Literacy Practices (Differentiated sessions for Primary School Classroom Teachers, Intermediate School Classroom Teachers, and Interventionists)
October/November 2016: Effective instruction in K-2 (Shared Reading; Using Data to Inform Differentiation)
October/November 2016 PD in Gr. 3-5 Creating a Community of Learners Through Literacy (Sessions: Making Complex Text Accessible During Shared Reading; Comprehension Strategies to Overcome Meaning-Making Hurdles; Reading and Writing Disciplinary Content to Develop Networks of Knowledge)
Winter-Spring 2017 Curriculum Development in Grades K-5
Fall 2017 Administrator Workshop on Literacy Observation Targets
Garden City School District – Garden City, NY
2017-2018 District-wide K-12 Literacy Assessment/RTI Consultant
Maryvale School District – Maryvale, NY
2018 District-wide PreK-5 Literacy Assessment/RTI Consultant
Commack School District
2018 District-wide K-5 Literacy Assessment/RTI Consultant
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